Client Review

Bogdan Pintean

Recomand cu toată încrederea Bitello Studio. Profesionalismul, flexibilitatea și ideile inovatoare pe care le-au propus m-au convins ca a fost cea mai buna alegere pentru proiectul meu. Termenele de implementare au fost respectate cu strictețe iar modificările apărute pe parcurs rezolvate foarte rapid.

(translated from romanian)
I wholeheartedly recommend Bitello Studio. Their professionalism, flexibility and ideas turned out to be the perfect choice for my project. Deadlines were strictly met and new learnings were implemented swiftly.


Agrofertisol is a company that focuses on distribution of agricultural fertilizers

They are the sole importer of Fertisonar product line in Romania

View the project webiste


An online catalogue that can be managed internally by them

The public website

It's purpose is to provide visibility for the products and enable clients to request quotes directly from the website.

The back office

Provides managerial and organizational tools for the products catalogue, blog and other internal necessites.

Physical Products Catalogue

Slim products catalogue to use for in person meetings with potential clients.


Internal system built on top of Laravel


Duration: 50 hours

We set dates at which we would do a demo of the progress made and recap the next needs to be covered.

Now, let's build your project!

email address
[email protected]
Ricci Facalet photo